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Services and activities

for families with young children

St Mary & St Helen - Stay & Play every Friday in term time 9.15an - 11.15am

The morning starts with play and craft activities for the children, with tea or coffee for the adult(s) who have come with them. There are then refreshments for the children and some more activity before the morning finishes with a bible story, some singing together, and a simple prayer. The morning is a social activity - both for children and for the adults with them. It gives all ages of pre-school children a first introduction to church and a good opportunity to develop social skills, as well as a support network for the adults coming with them. New parents have found this particularly helpful. You don’t need to book in advance but there is a small charge of £2 per family each week to cover costs. There is a limited amount of parking in front of and at the back of The Neston Centre (between the parish church and Hallwood), but there is plenty of parking in the main town car parks nearby. You are welcome to come along whenever you wish. For more information contact Marion Forshaw 07918675212.

St Michael’s -  Each Sunday: 9.30 am at St Michael’s, Little Neston

This service aims to enable parents and children to be at church together without feeling awkward at all. The atmosphere is relaxed, and it is the least formal of the four Sunday services in the parish. We know that children are not silent. We know that they may move around from time to time. There is an area within the body of the church with activities for children. They can take part in the service there - and you are welcome to sit with them there as well. Alternatively they can sit with you in the main seating. Children are automatically welcomed to take part in what we are doing. There are musical instruments for children to play during the songs if they wish to, and there is an opportunity for them to show what they have been working on towards the end of the service. Services last a little under 45 minutes and we have refreshments afterwards.

The first Sunday in each month is an “All Age” service where the language is more child-friendly and children are encouraged to join in more directly if they wish to.

On the first and third Sunday in each month there is Holy Communion within the service.

The St Michael’s service has evolved over time and we would be delighted for it to develop further. There is plenty of parking in the St Michael’s church car park next to the church. Do join us, or for more information contact Carol Stott 0792 909 6443.


St Thomas’    Suspended until further notice see Prayer in Action for any updates

There are other one-off children-friendly services and events through the year, for example in the run-up to Christmas. Details appear in our weekly newsletter, which you can receive by email.


OPEN THE BOOK (OtB) in Neston, Parkgate, Little Neston, Burton and Willaston

Open the Book is an exciting Bible Society storytelling project where Bible stories are shared with children in a way that is fun, interactive and memorable. As invited volunteer guests in school, storytelling teams use the Open the Book programme to prepare and present a 10–15-minute scripted Bible story, songs and a complementary prayer, to a school assembly, involving the children as much as possible.

Some years ago, Neston District Churches Together, initiated by Cathy Helm the minister of Burton at the time, started delivering Open the Book to the six primary schools in our area.  There are three OtB volunteer teams each going to two of the schools three times a term, and volunteers come from the churches of all denominations in our area, including some ministers. Getting to know each other better is a welcome bonus too. We go into Parkgate Primary, Neston Primary on Burton Road and Woodfall Primary.  The other three are church schools; Burton C of E Primary School, St Winefride's Catholic Primary School and Willaston C of E Primary School. We have presented OtB at Ladies Day services and other united services over the years.

The OtB scheme doesn’t need any particular acting abilities.  It is not difficult or demanding, and as teams of about six change we need more volunteers to join us.  It would be nice if we had more representation from Neston Parish; and more the merrier, and the better the result. It is great fun, the children love us coming, and at the same time they learn an important Christian principle from each story.

Please speak to me if you would like to join us or to know more of what is involved.    Diane Millington 336 7192                            


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