

If you or someone you are concerned about is in immediate danger, please call the police on 999

The Parish of Neston is committed to providing a welcome and safe place for all.  We strive to Safeguard children, young people, and adults at risk, to look after their welfare and protect them from abuse.  We are committed to “Promoting a Safer Church” and following the guidelines issued by the House of Bishops.  We will respond promptly and appropriately to allegations of abuse, referring any concerns to the Diocese Safeguarding team and/or appropriate agencies and organisations. 

A copy of our current policy is available here

We subscribe to national policies of the Church of England with regards to safeguarding Adults and Children and are committed to the following:

  • Promoting a safer environment and culture
  • Safely recruiting and supporting all those with any responsibility related to children, young people, and vulnerable adults within the church
  • Responding promptly to every safeguarding concern or allegation
  • Caring pastorally for victims/survivors of abuse and other affected persons
  • Caring pastorally for those who are the subject of concerns or allegations of abuse and other affected persons
  • Responding to those that may pose a present risk to others.

Further information can be found on the Diocese of Chester website


Or in a Church of England document entitled 'Promoting a safer church' located at https://www.churchofengland.org/sites/default/files/2017-12/PromotingSaferChurchWeb.pdf      

For all reporting and enquires please email safeguarding@chester.anglican.org. Please note, this email address is monitored between the hours of 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

For general safeguarding enquiries, call 01928 718834 ext 266 between the hours of 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday.

Safe Spaces  However, we recognise that for those with a lived experience of abuse from within the Church, you may want to speak to a different independent charity specialising in supporting victims and survivors of abuse. Safe Spaces is a free and independent support service that provides a confidential, personal, and safe space for anyone who has been abused by someone in the Church. You can email them at safespaces@splitz.org or via telephone on 0300 303 1056.

Opening hours run Monday to Friday 9am – 9pm, Saturday 9am - 1pm and Sunday from 1pm - 5pm (excluding bank holidays). 

Parish Safeguarding Officer
If you have any concerns in our Parish please contact our trained safeguarding officer for the Parish of Neston, Liz Ledsham.
Liz may be contacted on telephone: 0151 336 4781 or email: nestonsaeguarding@gmail.com


A note from Bishop Julie regarding safeguarding concerns relating to Mike Pilavachi:

As many of you are aware, the National Safeguarding Team and the Diocese of St Albans are investigating a number of safeguarding concerns relating to The Revd Canon Mike Pilavachi (a founding member of Soul Survivor).

If you would like to speak to anyone connected to this investigation or have been affected please be assured that any concerns raised will be treated with the utmost sensitivity. Access to counselling and support is available. Please contact Jeremy Hirst at the St Albans Diocesan Safeguarding Team at safeguarding@stalbans.anglican.org or Judith Renton, Ian Bowles or Anthony Clarke at the National Safeguarding Team at safeguarding@churchofengland.org who will listen to what you have to say.

If you or anyone you are in contact with are affected by this news and want to talk to someone independently, you can call the Safe Spaces helpline on 0300 303 1056. Our own Diocesan Safeguarding Team can also signpost you to agencies that provide support - safeguarding@chester.anglican.org



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