
Upcoming Parish Events

2nd, 9th, 16th 23rd & 30th July - Blue Bycycle Bible Study  
Come and join us for five Tuesdays through July, beginning 2nd July at 10.30am:  The Book of Revelation.... something for everyone! 
New members are very welcome, bring your Bible and a sense of humour!               Kevin
17th August 2024 - Vicarage Garden Party  

Saturday 17th August 2 - 5pm

Come and enjoy good company in relaxed surroundings. Sandwiches, scones, cake, tea, coffee, juice available. Raffle. Roll the coin. Guess the first goal and Guess the weight of the cake.  There will also be some children's games. Please bring your own drink, plastic glass and picnic chair.

Entrance is FREE, but tickets will be needed for catering purposes. In case of inclement weather, the event will be held in the church.  Come along and bring a friend.                          Carol

25th August 2024 - Pet Blessing Service  

2pm Sun 25th Aug at St Thomas’

Bring your pet, or photograph of a much-loved pet.

9th - 15th September 2024 - Heritage Open Days with Arts and Crafts display  

Once again this year we are having a display of Arts and Crafts in the Parish Church during HODS week 9th - 15th September 2024, some of which are for sale and others are there to display the work of the many talented people in our church. 20% of all sales go to church funds and our displays, all produced by parishioners, draw in many visitors from outside our parish.

Artists and Crafts people, please support us if you can. Up to 6 pieces of art or craft can be displayed per person. Application forms will be available either from the back of the churches, from our wardens, or from Janet & Peter Rossiter. Entries to be registered by the 31st August 2024.

20th September 2024 - Fairtrade Fasion Show  

On Friday 20th Sept 7pm at the URC.

As part of Fairtrade Fortnight, 9th-22nd Sept,  the Neston Fairtrade Group are holding a Fairtrade Fashion Show in aid of Chifundo, a charity helping women & girls in Malawi.














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